Enneagram Typing Process

How do I discover my Enneagram type?

To use the Enneagram, you first need to discover your Enneagram type, one of nine unique numbers or types, numbered from One through Nine. Each person has one specific place on the Enneagram. And while your Enneagram type stays the same throughout your life, some of your traits may change as you increase your self-awareness, develop your self-mastery, and build your resilience.

This is not an Enneagram typing test. Instead, it is a 4-step discovery process that allows you to learn more about each of the nine Enneagram types and decide for yourself which type describes you the best. This process takes approximately 30 minutes and is, we hope, both enjoyable and illuminating.

After you complete the 4 steps, you can send yourself a summary email and also download PDFs that have even more information about the nine Enneagram types.

We suggest you use a computer or tablet for this. If using a smartphone, it works best if you adjust the phone to a horizonal rather than a vertical view.

Step 1: Explore the nine types

Read each description, one for each Enneagram type, to determine which could be your likely type. After you read each description, go to step 2 where you can move that type number into one of three areas: Yes, Maybe or No.

Step 2: Sort the types into yes, maybe, no

Starting with the type numbers in the right-hand column, drag each over to the area on the left that reflects whether this type is likely your type (YES), not at all your type (NO) or possibly your type (MAYBE). Maybe means you are not sure or because only some of the description applies to you.

There is no limit to the number of types in each area, although a type number can only be in one area unless you move it. You can also go back and rearrange your type sorting at any time.

Step 3: Watch the type videos

Watch real people of each type describe their strengths, development areas and life mottos. Most are less than one minute long. We recommend you watch all the videos.

After you watch each video, go back to Step 2 (Sort the types) and, if needed, rearrange the type numbers in your YES, MAYBE, or NO areas based on the videos. Ask yourself which of the people on the videos are you most similar to in terms of what they say but also their speaking styles and nonverbal cues.

Step 4: Differentiate between the types

At this point, you may have several possibilities in the YES section of Part 2: Sort the types. If you have more than one type as a YES, you can use the digital book below to compare the attributes and motivations between the two types. You can read how these two types may be similar and how they are different. Each type comparison includes a delightful illustration that paints a picture of the differences between the two types.

To open the book, click on the arrow on the right next to the book cover. Once the book opens, the table of contents is linked and allows you go instantly to the pages with the two types in question. You can return to the table of contents at any time. Click on the bottom button that says “Table of contents.”

After you read and enjoy the differences between the two types that are in your YES section, go back to Step 2 (Sort the types), and feel free to rearrange the type numbers in your YES, MAYBE, or NO areas based on this new information. 

Send yourself an email

Based on your exploration of your type, you can send yourself a summary email of your results. Simply click on the type boxes you think describe you best. If you have clicked on more than one box, put the rank order of types in your notes, plus any other information you want to remember.

Finally, add your email address, press submit, and this will be sent directly to you. Sending yourself an email is not required, and your email will not be used for any other purpose than sending you your completed information!

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Yes - My most likely type(s)

Download PDFs

If you want additional information about your type or any type of your interest, press the download buttons below.